Professor Ruth Langley is a Medical Oncologist specializing in the design and management of oncology clinical trials based at the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London where she leads the Cancer Group. Professor Ruth Langley has worked in a number of tumour areas including colorectal, lung and gastro-oesophageal cancer coordinating a series of trials and associated translational studies. She has a particular interest in re-purposing established medicines as cancer therapeutics, as well as cancer prevention, and is Chair of the UK Therapeutic Cancer Prevention Network. She has led the investigation of the use of transdermal oestrogen as a treatment for prostate cancer (PATCH studies). A major focus of her recent work has been the development of an international trial to assess the effect of aspirin as an adjuvant agent in several common solid tumours (the Add-Aspirin Trial) which is recruiting patients from the UK, Ireland and from several sites across India. The Add-Aspirin trial is part of a Cancer Research UK funded initiative the AsCaP collaboration to investigate the mechanisms underlying the anti-cancer effects of aspirin. She is a faculty member of the Indian CReDO (Collaboration for Research methods Development in Oncology) programme.
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